Website Publishing

Domains, Hosting, and FTPing

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Website Publishing

By the end of this session, you will:

  • Be able to manage your local and remote files and be able to publish (FTP) your files to the world.
  • Be comfortable with purchasing domains and hosting services.
  • Have a website published on the World Wide Web!

Free hosting if you purchase a domain

  • Full Service Hosting Plan
  • Allows for PHP/mySql Backend
  • Create email addresses
  • Add-on Domains
  • Valued at $99 per year
  • One year of hosting
  • The alternative is to use hosting providing by St. Paul College.


Buying a Domain

Your address on the world wide web

  • How to choose a domain name
  • Make sure you own your domain name
  • Most domains are $12-14 per year

"Should I buy privacy services for my domain?"

Where to buy a domain


  1. In small groups, discuss purchasing a domain and decide if you would like to buy one for your website.
  2. Purchase a domain if you would like to buy one.
  3. If you purchased a domain, write your domain name on your card.


Linking Domain to Host

Your hosting and domain name may not come from the same company. The nameservers link your domain to your hosting.

  • Domain Name:
  • IP Address:
  • Name Server:
hostgator nameservers

Domain Name Servers (DNS)

  • Connect your domain to your hosting
  • Propagating DNS

Let's Develop It

  • Sign into the account where you purchased your domain
  • Set your nameservers to:

  • If you didn't purchase a domain name, find another student to assist


What is website hosting?

  • Web Hosting is the server space on the Internet where you store your HTML, CSS, and other files.
  • When you make a website and want other people to see it, you will need to publish it to a web hosting service.

Pop quiz

Where are your LOCAL files?

On your computer

Where are your REMOTE files?

On the server at your hosting plan.

Local Files to Server Ftp process






File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

FTP Local Files to Host


How does your site visitor find your website files?

index.html or index.php

User enters:

The browser looks for: or

Pop quiz

What file does the server look for when the user enters:


  • On the remote server, you will publish your files to a folder called, "public_html".
  • This is the default file location

File Transfer Protocol or FTP

  • We use FTP to transfer files from our local host (our own computer) to the remote server, at the hosting provider.
  • For this class we will use FileZilla to FTP.

Alternatives to FileZilla

  • Dreamweaver (text editor integrated)
  • CyberDuck

Website Folders and Files

It is very important to be organized and follow conventions for folder and file structure.

  • Keep your websites in a folder called, "sites" or "websites"
  • Put your website folder in your Documents folders.
  • The website should have a name that fits the website. For example, susanmetoxen would be good folder name for a website at the domain.
  • Use dashes between words. No spaces.

Let's do it

  1. Make or find a local folder for your website. (It is common to have all your websites in a folder called Websites.)
  2. Open Filezilla
  3. Enter your IP address into Host (, and your username and password.
  4. QuickConnect: Are you connected?
  5. Find your local folder (left side)
  6. Find the public folder (right side)
  7. Upload your index.html file
  8. Check to see if your files are live


You are on the World Wide Web!

cPanel Walkthrough:

  • Change your password
  • Remote Files
  • Email
  • Add-on Domains
  • Sub-domains
  • HTTP Passwords
  • phpMyAdmin